Target Audience
Agriculture researchers, policy makers, private sector, academicians, students,media, and members of the general public, among others.
The World Food Day is celebrated each year on 16 October to promote worldwide awareness and action for elimination of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. Events are organized in over 130 countries across the world, making it one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar.
The 2018 theme for WFD is “Our Actions are Our future. A #ZeroHunger World by 2030 is Possible”. ZERO HUNGER is the second of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, supported by all UN organizations. Nations, private companies, and citizens from around the world are committed to achieve the 17
goals by 2030.
This year WFD will call for action to get back on track towards achieving Zero Hunger by 2030. It will show how, despite rising hunger figures, it is still possible to reach this global goal if we join forces across sectors and professions, nations and continents. This means adopting a Zero Hunger lifestyle through the choices and actions we make on a daily basis to build a better world together.
The panel discussion today is part of the series of these activities aimed at bringing together all the partners and stakeholders to share ideas on how this goal can be achieved through our collective force.
Questions for Discussion (45 Minutes)
- Introduction to 2018 WFD and its theme, key messages - FAOR
- Tanzania Govt efforts towards achieving Zero Hunger – MoA
- Morogoro region plans to continue being among the food basket regions in the country – Morogoro RC
- Role of Research in achieving Zero Hunger – SUA
- Role of Development Partners in supporting Govt’s efforts –WFP, IFAD,FAO, Private Sector etc.
- How can farmers help in achieving SDG2 by 2030? – MVIWATA
Plenary (45 Minutes)
Comments/additional points and questions from the members of the flow to the panelists or general
- Agriculture researchers,
- Policy makers,
- Academicians,
- Students,
- Media and
- Members of the general public
Conclusion (15 Minutes)
- Minister
- RC
- Private Sector
Wrap-up SUA VC
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