PhD PUBLIC DEFENSE: DOMINICK RINGO (15th October, 2020 at 09:30am)

Public Defence:  PhD

Candidate: Dominick E. Ringo

Mr. Dominick Ringo was employed as an Executive Director in RECODA where he has served for 17 years to date. Formerly, he worked under the Ministry of Agriculture in Tanzania as a research officer in Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) – Uyole (Southern Highland Zone) and then TARI – Selian (Northern zone). He registered with Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in February, 2017 to pursue a 4 year doctoral programme in the Department of Development Studies (DDS), College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH).

Thesis Title:  Personality Traits of High-Performing Lead Farmers in Farmer-to-Farmer Extension: A Case of the Rural Initiatives for Participatory Agricultural Transformation Approach, Tanzania.

Read more details about event dates & time, venue, supervisors, panelists team and abstract at:

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