1.0 Introduction
Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is among Tanzanian Universities recognized nationally and internationally in conducting scientific research. It ranked the first in top Universities with more citations in Google Scholar profiles among the Tanzanian Universities for the period ending January 2022, with a total of 111,886 citations compared to 98,143 citations of July 2021.

This is a result of quality research leading to quality publications in reputable peer reviewed journals. Annually, SUA researchers produce about 500 publications from donor and locally funded research, most of which are published by senior researchers. One of the reasons for minimal contribution of junior researchers and students in publications is limited dissemination skills. 

Junior researchers need to grow professionally and academically to adequately fill the gaps left by seniors who are retiring. Moving up the academic ladder requires scientific publications from research and innovations, as stipulated in the Scheme of Service for Academic Staff in Public Universities and SUA’s Up the Ladder 5th Edition of 2016. Similarly, the current revised Regulation and Guidelines for higher degrees of 2021 as per the TCU guidelines requires Master and PhD candidates to publish their findings in reputable journals accepted by the University before they graduate. Limited writing and publication skills may delay the students’ progress leading to reduced number of graduates each year. Failure to complete studies on time may disappoint others and thus reduce the number of applicants in subsequent years hence limiting achievement of SUAs’ strategic objective number three which is to increase enrolment and improve quality of graduates. Capacity building in scientific writing skills is therefore important for early career researchers and postgraduate students. 

This training workshop is expected to back up the SUA Research and Innovation Support (SUARIS) funded projects to achieve the intended impacts and contribute to the achievement of the SUA’s Cooperate Strategic Plan objective number four which is to increase volume and quality of research, publications and innovations. Furthermore, the training is envisaged to improve quality of SUA graduates. 

In line with the Research Policy and Strategies of 2018, the scientific writing training shall be coordinated by the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy (DPRTC). 

2.0 Aim of the proposed scientific writing workshop
The scientific writing workshop aims to equip early career researchers and students with scientific writing and publishing skills.

3.0 Learning outcomes
At the end of the training workshop, participants should be able to:

  1. Undertake critical review of the scientific papers
  2. Write a publishable scientific paper
  3. Synthesize research findings
  4. Respond to reviewers’ comments
  5. Make scientific presentation
  6. Formulate research evidences to inform policy and decision making 

4.0 Training content
The main content of the training workshop will include but not limited to structure of a scientific paper, data management and presentation, authorship, selection of a journal, plagiarism and other publishing ethics, literature search and referencing, critical review of scientific papers, writing policy briefs, writing popular versions, media engagement, synthesis of research outputs, and communicating research results to the community.

5.0 Eligibility 
The scientific writing workshop is targeted to SUA junior members of academic staff and early career researchers with PhD or Master degree acquired within the past three years and to SUA postgraduate students. Applicants MUST have a draft manuscript intended for submission to a journal for publication. It is expected that the draft manuscript will be published or accepted in any reputable journal by December 2022. A maximum of ONLY 40 eligible SUA researchers and postgraduate students shall be selected to attend the workshop. 

6.0 Course facilitators 
Course facilitators shall be selected from experienced SUA researchers and Journal editors. 

7.0 Mode of delivery
The training workshop shall be delivered through interactive lectures, group works and hands-on practice.

8.0 Course fee
Participation to this course shall be free. Course participants shall be provided with training materials, refreshments and lunch. Perdiem or refund of travel costs shall NOT be provided to participants. Participants will be required to bring their own laptops.

9.0 Dates for the Training
The Training is expected to be conducted from 13th to 17th June 2022.

10.0    Mode of application
Interested applicants should send an application letter explaining his/her motivation to attend the writers’ workshop, an abstract of the draft manuscript and a short CV (maximum two pages) to and copy to and  All documents should be in one zip file bearing the candidate’s surname, name of the workshop, indicating whether you are an academic member of staff or a student and the initials of your college (e.g. Matinde_writers_workshop_Staff_COA_2022).

Deadline for receiving applications will be on the 30th April, 2022. Only selected candidates shall be contacted. 


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