Sokoine University of Agriculture Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (SUALISA) would like to announce to the SUA community, Mwanza community and to the general public that it will offer short courses in statistics between 11th March up to 13th March 2020 at the Institute of Rural Deelopment Planning (IRDP) in Mwanza, Tanzania. The course will be held at the main campus (LZC).
You are all welcomed.
For further details contact Mr. Mnyawi (0767047613) also Ms.Maria Celestine (0713301033)
A scientific research can only be achieved if there is a scientific way of data collection and data analysis. Proper application of statistics principles is an answer for achieving a scientific research. Even though statistics as a course is taugnt in colleges and in universities, most universities’ supervisors have a limited knowledge in statistics. This scenario compel the Msc and PhD students to confine themselves into disciplines which supervisors have an adequate statistical knowedge. SUALISA brings a golden opportunity to MSc and PhD students and to researchers in general. Working with SUALISA does not only provide an opportunity for a researcher to venture into different discplines but also could lead to earlier graduation/earlier completion of research work, producing quality research work, saving cost and simplifying works to both students and supervisors. SUALISA does not work against the supervisors rather in harmony with both supervisors and students. Students, instructors supervisors at IRDP,and in other colleges around Mwanza region you are warmly welcomed.
Tentative Training schedule
Time |
Day 1 |
Day2 |
Day 3 |
8.00-10.00 |
Introduction to Statistics |
Introduction to STATA
Introduction to Multiple Linear Regression using SPPS & STATA |
8.00-10.00 |
Introduction to survey design |
Introduction R |
Introduction to Multiple Linear Regression using SPPS & STATA |
10.00-10.30 |
Tea break |
Tea break |
10.30-11.30 |
Introduction to Electronic tools for Data collection |
Introduction R |
Introduction to time series using SPSS |
11.30-12.30 |
Introduction to Electronic tools for Data collection |
Introduction R |
Introduction to time series using SPSS |
12.30-13.30 |
Lunch break |
13.30-14.30 |
Introduction to Electronic tools for Data collection |
Introduction R |
Introduction to time series using STATA |
14.30-15.30 |
Introduction to Electronic tools for Data collection |
Introduction to t-tests, ANOVA and rank based test using SPSS |
Introduction to time series using STATA |
15.30-16.30 |
Introductions to SPSS |
Introduction to t-tests, ANOVA and rank based test using STATA |
Introduction to time series using STATA |
16.30-17.00 |
Tea break and departing |
tea break and departing |
tea break and departing |