The agroforestry field excursion for PhD students under the REFOREST Programme at Sokoine University of Agriculture was conducted in Morogoro and Dodoma regions from 24th – 26th April, 2021. The objectives of the excursion were to gain practical experience on agroforestry research and development activities.
During the field excursion, the students discussed opportunities and challenges of agroforestry technologies promoted for land rehabilitation and for building resilient and productive agricultural systems in dryland areas. Drylands (Arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas) cover about 61% of Tanzania and represent the region most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change in the country. Variability in rainfall patterns and temperature fluctuations are the main climate change related challenges to sustainable crop production in dryland ecosystems.
Open the link below to read full story (REFOREST Programme website)