Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Finance, and Administration), Prof. Amandus Muhairwa has led the event of receiving two Toyota Hilux pickup vehicles with equipment for Forestry research activities done by experts at the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism. The vehicles with field equipment were provided by the Forestry Development Trust (FDT).

FDT donated two Vehicles to the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism (CFWT)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Finance, and Administration), Prof. Amandus Muhairwa has led the event of receiving two Toyota Hilux pickup vehicles with equipment for Forestry research activities done by experts at the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism. The vehicles with field equipment were provided by the Forestry Development Trust (FDT).
Speaking on behalf of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Finance, and Administration), Principal of the College of Forestry, wildlife and Tourism, Prof. Agnes Sirima, thanked FDT for donating the vehicles and said that this is a result of the collaborations Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) entered with Gatsby Africa towards end of 2023, to continue the implementation of the pilot project for tree improvement research initiative for trial growth and wood properties assessment for two species of pine and eucalyptus.
Professor Sirima added that she is grateful to FDT for choosing SUA as institution to continue the work they have started over 10 years ago, but also for provision of vehicles and equipment that will support not only the research activities on trial plots but also for enhancing training in forestry.
Speaking after handing over the cars, Mrs. Olive Luena representative Trustee from Forest Development Trust said that, vehicles and equipment have been provided for the development of Tanzanians and students who are conducting forestry research. She further said that FDT have chosen SUA because it is the right partner and also has the needed expertise in activities of plants and forest research.
She added that their organization has been doing research activities in forests for a long time, and they have found it good to provide the vehicles and equipment to SUA to continue doing those activities.