REFOREST Programme organizes Orientation workshop for Resource Persons

The REFOREST Programme organized a combined face-to face and zoom workshop from 20th to 22nd January 2021 to orientate resource persons involved in teaching the PhD courses during the first semester (January - June 2021).  The 25 participants came from all the six partner universities in the REFOREST Programme. The opening session was graced by university leaders at both SUA and SLU.

REFOREST Programme Sokoine University of Agriculture

Opening Sessions

The workshop objectives were to initiate contacts among lecturers teaching each subject so they could familiarize with the REFOREST programme, elaborate the course contents given in the PhD curriculum, agree on how to share the teaching load, understand and apply the rules and regulations for PhD studies at SUA (academic as well as administrative processes) and establish communication protocols among them. The participants were also familiarised with the operational terms and conditions (including compensation) for all academic staff involved in teaching and learning under the REFOREST programme. Further, the workshop helped to establish communication and rapport among these key implementers of the REFOREST programme.

Read the full story in the link below:

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