AIDA examines the development outcomes of foreign agricultural investments at sub-national level for people living in and using land in their vicinity, using Danish agricultural investments and their location in Tanzania and Uganda as the case and geographical starting point. In particular, AIDA focuses on the development outcomes with respect to employment, land tenure security and water security. Download AIDA Programme description (pdf, 271 KB)
Dr Mutabazi (
Dr Evelyne Lazaro (
AIDA is carried out by a group of researchers from Makerere University, Kampala (Uganda), Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro (Tanzania), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), and Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen (Denmark)
Danish Institute for International Studies, Denmark
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
School of Agricultural Economics Business Studies (, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
- Evelyne Lazaro, Senior research fellow
- Khamaldin Mutabazi, Senior lecturer
- Nico Malik, PhD candidate
- Festo E. Maro, PhD candidate
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) (, Makerere University, Uganda