Capacity Building for Training and Research in Aquatic and Environmental Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (TRAHESA)

Project Summary

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Makerere University (MU), University of Nairobi (UoN), University of Zambia (UNZA) and the University of Dar es Salaam’s - Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) in Zanzibar is undertaking a collaborative research project entitled “Capacity Building for Training and Research in Aquatic and Environmental Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (TRAHESA)”.

The goal of the project is to strengthen education and research capacity in aquatic and environmental health in Eastern and Southern Africa. The project intends to achieve the above through training of human resources at both masters and PhD levels while generating the information to fill the knowledge gap.

Hosting Unit
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Hosting Department
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Public Health
Project Leader
Prof. Robinson Mdegela
Funding Agency

The project is supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) under the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Building in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED)

Project Status
Completed Project
Project Completion Date
Contact information