The programme produce graduates with positive attitudes, ethical values, professional knowledge and skills for managing and promoting tourism industries. Graduates have knowledge and competencies to take up roles as public officials, entrepreneurs, trainers, researchers and providers of advisory tourism services for sustainable livelihoods.
Graduate are experts in modern tourism, hospitality industries, alternative tourism investments and marketing strategieswith environment protection and sustainable development mind. The graduates can effectively listen, speak and write in English, French and Spanish for providing high quality customer services in tourism industries

Graduate and rest assured that tourism industry may never operate and effectively prosper without you
At the end of the programme, the successful Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge, understanding competences, skills and ability to:
- Understanding the nature, scope and impacts of modern tourism and hospitality industries on the environment and development.
- Apply analytical and managerial skills for sustainable tourism practices and tourism resources management in multi-disciplinary environments.
- Plan, design and execute appropriate multi-and interdisciplinary approaches in tourism management.
- Understand alternative tourism related economic investments and marketing strategies for different business ventures in the tourism industry.
- Identify tourism resources/attractions for management and marketing purposes.
- Identify possible measures against challenges that threaten sustainability of tourism resources/attraction.
- Apply multi-disciplinary approaches to generate scientific approach in planning and managing tourism industry
- Evaluate different marketing approaches for tourism businesses.
- Plan, conduct, write and analyse tourism researches and tourism related publications and apply them in managing tourism industry.
- Effectively listen, speak and write foreign languages (English, French and Spanish) and apply them in managing tourism industry.
- Apply the principles of sustainable tourism and hospitality management in managing tourism activities and programmes.
- Identify and mitigate tourism resource management related problems
- Promote and market tourism resource management related problems
- Transform tourism industry to be a vehicle for establishing sustainable livelihoods by deploying different approaches in managing activities and programmes.
Two principal passes (4 points) in the following subjects: History, English, Kiswahili, Biology, Geography, Chemistry, Physic, Agriculture, Advanced Mathematics, Nutrition, Home Economics, Economics, Commerce, English, French or Spanish. OR Diploma in Tourism, Hotel Management, Catering, Nutrition, Home Econom- ics, Agriculture, Education, Forestry or Wildlife Management with an average of “B” or a minimum GPA of 3.0. In addition, an applicant must have a minimum of “D” grade in two science subjects at O-Level.
Tshs 1,263,000 per year
Applicants should apply directly to SUA using the online admission system (link: or Click “Apply Online (Undergraduate)” button at and you will be directed
The office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academics),
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P. O. Box 3000,
Inquiries should be sent to:
Admission Help desk
Directorate of Undergraduate Studies,
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P.O. Box 3000, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro